Career Advice

Leaders create organizational culture! An atmosphere where it is easy to express opinions, and the feeling of expressing one’s opinion is rewarding, which invigorates communication.

Leaders create organizational culture! Continuing to improve according to the environment while preserving the culture we cherish

Leaders create organizational culture! Continuing to improve according to the environment while preserving the culture we cherish

There is a saying that an organization is no more than a vessel for its leaders. As famous leaders have pointed out, the thoughts and actions of leaders shape the scope of the organization and have a significant impact on the way its members work.

In order to realize the goals and vision of leaders, employees must come together and tackle the task at hand. In other words, leaders are responsible for creating an organization that achieves its goals and objectives.

The quality of an organization’s culture is also reflected in its output. Since output is directly linked to sales and profits, corporate management will be greatly influenced by the type of organization a leader creates.


Absolutely, your statement highlights a critical aspect of leadership. Leaders play a pivotal role in shaping and maintaining organizational culture. Here’s a more detailed exploration of the points you’ve raised:

1. Culture Creation:

  • Lead by Example: Leaders set the tone by embodying the values and behaviors they wish to see in the organization.
  • Communicate Values: Clearly communicate the core values and principles that define the organizational culture.
  • Align Actions: Ensure that organizational policies, practices, and decisions align with the desired culture.

2. Adaptation to the Environment:

  • Environmental Scan: Continuously monitor the external environment for changes that may impact the organization.
  • Flexibility: Demonstrate adaptability by adjusting strategies and approaches to align with the evolving external landscape.
  • Innovation: Encourage a culture of innovation to respond effectively to changing conditions.

3. Preservation of Cherished Culture:

  • Cultural Preservation Strategies: Identify and preserve the core elements of the existing culture that contribute to organizational success.
  • Employee Involvement: Involve employees in the process of cultural preservation, ensuring that their perspectives are considered.
  • Recognition: Acknowledge and celebrate traditions, values, and behaviors that define the cherished culture.

4. Leadership Development:

  • Cultivate Leadership Qualities: Develop leadership skills that align with the organization’s values and contribute to a positive culture.
  • Succession Planning: Ensure a smooth transition by developing a pipeline of leaders who understand and can preserve the organizational culture.

5. Employee Engagement:

  • Inclusive Decision-Making: Involve employees in decision-making processes to promote a sense of ownership and engagement.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Establish mechanisms for employees to provide feedback on the organizational culture and suggest improvements.

6. Continuous Improvement:

  • Regular Assessments: Periodically assess the organizational culture to identify areas for improvement.
  • Learning Culture: Foster a culture of continuous learning, where employees and leaders are open to adapting and improving.
  • Feedback Loops: Establish feedback loops to gather insights from employees at all levels regarding cultural dynamics.

7. Communication and Transparency:

  • Transparent Communication: Maintain open and transparent communication about the organization’s direction, challenges, and cultural expectations.
  • Listen Actively: Actively listen to employee concerns and feedback, demonstrating that their perspectives are valued.

8. Values Integration:

  • Integrate Values in Processes: Ensure that the organization’s values are integrated into performance management, recruitment, and other key processes.
  • Recognition Programs: Implement recognition programs that highlight employees who exemplify the desired cultural values.

9. Resilience:

  • Resilient Leadership: Cultivate resilience in leadership to navigate challenges without compromising the core values of the organization.
  • Learning from Setbacks: View challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, adapting strategies based on lessons learned.

Leaders who can balance the preservation of cherished organizational culture with the ability to adapt to changing environments contribute significantly to the long-term success and sustainability of their organizations.


Relationships that allow people to discuss anything by removing hierarchical and organizational walls create vitality in the organization. If there is a system in place to accept opinions from younger employees, opinions and advice will be exchanged in both directions, and the entire organization will be energized.

However, when it comes to relationships between bosses and subordinates, it is common for the boss to spend a lot of time talking. The longer the leader’s monologue goes on, the more the subordinates become silent, say nothing, and end up giving random comments in order to get the story over quickly.

As a leader, why not try not to talk too much and focus on your role of drawing out the opinions of others?

People gather in an environment where it is easy to express opinions and talk, and when people gather, information also gathers. Human relationships that allow people to express their opinions spontaneously and have discussions without hesitation are sure to have a positive effect on the organization.

Leaders should take the lead in creating an atmosphere to avoid wasted time and fruitless discussions.

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