Career Advice

20 things to do while in college! What is university life that will be advantageous for job hunting?

“I wish I had done it while I was in college…”

There are quite a lot of people who have regrets like that after becoming a member of society.

Not only do they have a lot of free time for themselves, but university students also have a lot of opportunities to study and meet new people.

If you lead a meaningful university life for yourself, the experiences you have gained so far will become your strengths and will be useful in future job hunting.

It’s a precious college life.

Why don’t you study and play hard and live a university life with few regrets?

In this article, we will introduce 20 things you should do while in college!

College life has many restrictions due to the corona crisis, but I hope it will be helpful for your future college life.


Three reasons why university students can freely do what they want

It is often said that “You can do a lot of things when you become a university student!”, but it is an undeniable fact.

The reasons why you can freely do what you want while in college are as follows.


The timetable is free and it is easy to create leisure time

The advantage of the timetable for university students is that they can set up their timetable freely, with some exceptions such as compulsory classes.

It’s easy to make free time because you can freely set up your timetable according to your part-time job and the schedule you want to take a break.

High school students need to study according to a set timetable, and as a working adult, it is difficult to create free time without using paid holidays.

In addition, the number of classes is small, 2 or 3 classes per day, so you can adjust the number of class days, so you can use your after-school time meaningfully.

By making it easier to create free time, you can spend time improving your skills and gaining experience.


Various people gather from all over the country

Depending on the size of the university, it is a place where various people gather from all over the country.

By meeting people with various ideas, you can start a circle together and immerse yourself in research.

You can expand your possibilities by touching the way of thinking that you could not get locally.

You can also build a network, so if you can build a proper relationship when you can do what you want to do, there is a possibility that someone will help you.

Of course, it is necessary to choose the people you associate with carefully, but what you can do under the new sense of values will gradually expand.


More facilities available

The university has a library with a huge collection of books and research facilities that match the characteristics of each department.

Because there are many facilities available, there is an environment where you can immerse yourself in your studies and hobbies.

Also, if you become a university student, there is also a unique student discount system.

You can enter art museums and museums with student discounts, and receive discounts on public transportation.

They are given preferential treatment financially so that they can easily act, so it will be easier for them to expand their range of activities.


Things to do in the university community

Study and club activities are things that college students have every day, so they tend to cut corners and work on them arbitrarily.

It is no exaggeration to say that university students have the time to focus on what they want to learn and do.


1. Engage in circle activities and club activities

Speaking of college students, circle activities and club activities! Isn’t there a lot of people who have such an image?

There are so-called “drinking clubs” that mainly focus on drinking parties, unusual clubs unique to universities, and clubs that are active not only in Japan but also overseas. I have.

If there is even one thing that you have seriously worked on in your university life, it will lead to your self-confidence.

Don’t be afraid to actively participate in circles and club activities that interest you!


2. keep a unit without dropping it

Of course, college students cannot graduate without taking the required number of credits.

In particular, it is important to ensure that you have earned credits during your first or second year at university.

By keeping the credits during this period, it will be easier to secure more time for yourself in the future.

You can work on job hunting without rushing!


3. study an area of interest

Isn’t it a great feature of the university that it has an environment that makes it easy to study not only in your major field but also in your field of interest?

Of course, it is important to thoroughly study your major field, but when you study at university, you may discover interesting fields that you have not touched before.

Deepening your knowledge in fields that make you think, “Looks interesting!” or “I want to know more!” may lead to unexpected futures.



04. play with friends in moderation

Of course, college students want to focus on their studies, but they also want to have fun with their friends!

The university attracts people from all over the world, from all over the world.

There must be many people who have strongly felt that new encounters have greatly disrupted their values and broadened their horizons.

Many people regret that they should have studied more in college, but there are also quite a few who regret that they should have spent more time hanging out with their friends.


The author of this article falls into the latter category.

It would be preposterous if you neglected your studies, but I would like you to cherish your precious university life and the time you spend with your friends.

Things to do in the off-campus community
When you become a university student, your own community will be created not only on campus but also outside the university.

Learning outside of school will be necessary knowledge and experience even after becoming a member of society.

Also, in such a place, you will often be involved with members of society, and it will be a good opportunity for you to grow as a person.


05 make money with a part-time job

Many college students start part-time jobs.

I think the purpose is to earn money, but money is not the only thing you can get from a part-time job.

The workplace where you work as a part-time job is a place where you can connect with society, and you can stand in the position of a member of society as well as a student.

When you go out into the world and interact with people who are actually working, you may find yourself questioning how you want to be as a member of society.

A part-time job is a valuable opportunity to reconsider your future and deepen your thoughts about what work means to you.

Please actively try various part-time jobs.


6 Make money freelancing

Part-time jobs are not the only way to earn money.

The number of students who are active as freelancers is also increasing!

Having said that, one of the difficulties of freelancing is that it is difficult to get a job if you do not have the skills and connections.

Freelance jobs that are easy for college students to start are writers, designers, and programmers.

Among them, writers can start as soon as they have a computer, so there are many students who are active as freelancers.

The crowdsourcing service has a large number of projects that can be immediately challenged.

The unit price is low, but if you are interested, let’s try it.

I think there are many people who are restricted from working part-time outside due to the corona crisis. It’s helpful this time of year to be able to start while staying at home.

7. Join an internship

Among the things you should do while in college, I would especially recommend doing an internship.

There are various types of internships, from short-term to long-term, depending on the company, but long-term internships that allow you to experience more practical work at the company are recommended because they will be an advantage in future job hunting.

With the spread of the new coronavirus, many companies are preparing an environment where interns can also respond remotely.

We are often perplexed by the dizzying changes in the situation, but the reality is that new work styles are gradually permeating.

Students are required to get used to the new form of job hunting in line with such changes in the situation.

I think that it is often confusing, but acquiring the ability to adapt to the occasional changes will be very useful even after becoming a member of society.


8 .  Study abroad

Due to the spread of the new coronavirus, many people have given up on studying abroad as planned.

Even now, immigration and visa issuance are still restricted, and it seems that it will be a long time before I can go to study abroad like before.

However, now that I have time, I can carefully consider it and think about my future.

With online counseling and electronic pamphlets, it is possible to collect information and consult even at home.

There are also courses where you can take classes at overseas language schools online.

What we can do in the current situation is limited, but let’s start with what we can do now.

It is also important to save money for studying abroad now.


9. Volunteer

Volunteering is a simple term, but there are many different types of volunteers.

Environmental problems, natural disasters, welfare, education, international exchange, event activities… Volunteers are active in various places.

What we usually take for granted is actually not the norm, and what we can do is limited, but there are people who are saved by that limitation.

Trying to work in a situation that you would never encounter in your normal life may give you an opportunity to reconsider your way of being.

Due to the spread of the new coronavirus, the number of online briefings is increasing.

If you are interested, please try to collect information.


things to do in private

Even in my private life, I have a lot of things to do while I’m a university student.

Of course, it is important to spend time studying at university and thinking about the future, but it is also important to enjoy the “now” to the fullest while you are a university student who has time to spare.

What you do for fun “now” may come in handy in some way in a few years.

Use your private time to actively work on things that interest you!




10. Get a driver’s license

Getting a license takes longer than expected.

It is recommended that you obtain a driver’s license while you are still a university student, taking advantage of the long holidays.

If it is a license training camp, you can get a license in as little as two weeks.

Getting a license after becoming a member of society is more difficult than you might imagine, as it is difficult to get a lot of time.

If you take it now, it will be useful even after you become a member of society!


11. Reading

We live in an age when we can look up anything with a computer or smartphone, but there are many things we can learn from books.

Sometimes a single sentence in a book saves us, or a book we pick up at a library or bookstore can broaden our horizons.

For those who find it difficult to secure a large amount of time, let’s get into the habit of opening a book during the free time.

Reading a book will help you concentrate!


12. go on a trip

By all means, please go on a trip to various places, both domestically and internationally, while you are a university student.

Of course it’s fun to go with friends, but I think it’s interesting to go alone because you can make different discoveries.

Due to the influence of GoTo Travel, the number of tourists crossing prefectures is increasing little by little.

Traveling abroad is still difficult, but let’s enjoy domestic travel while following the rules and taking measures against infection.


13. Make love

I want to enjoy romance when I become a university student! Isn’t there a lot of people who entered the school with such a feeling?

Unlike when you were in high school, you may have a yearning for a little more adult love.

I think that when you fall in love, you encounter a side of yourself that you didn’t even know about, and you feel the difficulty of building relationships with people, and you get a lot of stimulation.

Each and every one of them will become an experience, so let’s enjoy love to the fullest while you’re a university student with many encounters!

14. Find a hobby that will last a lifetime

What do you say when asked, “What are your hobbies?” Do you have any hobbies that you can answer?

Even if you want to make a hobby, you may not be able to make it easily.

What you continue casually now may become your lifelong hobby in the future, or you may encounter something that you can immerse yourself in from now on.

I don’t know where you can find a hobby for the rest of your life, but please cherish what you enjoy doing.

The feeling of “fun” and “interesting” is more than anything else my driving force.



15. Acquire programming skills

Recently, the environment where you can learn programming with videos and websites is quite well established.

It explains in an easy-to-understand manner for beginners, so if you are interested, why not start studying while making use of such things?

Human resources who can program are very valuable in the web industry.

In addition to your main job, you will also be able to do a side job that makes use of your programming skills.

Even if you think “it looks difficult…”, it is recommended to start first.


16. Study for qualifications

The privilege of university students is that they have an environment in which they can study.

If you want to qualify, you will need a certain amount of time.

Because you are a college student who can spend time doing what you want to do, it is recommended that you acquire qualifications that will be useful in your future.

Popular qualifications for university students include “secretary test”, “Nikkei TEST”, “real estate broker”, “MOS”, “bookkeeping”, “FP”, and “TOEIC”.

Among them, TOEIC, which is easy to evaluate in various situations, has many exams, so let’s actively challenge!


17. Build a habit of sports training

I think there are people who regularly exercise in clubs and club activities, but when they become university students, the amount of exercise decreases considerably.

When you become a member of society, you tend to lack exercise.

If you acquire the habit of doing sports and training while you are now, it is recommended not only for your health but also for your feelings.

As you go about your daily life, you may feel stress in various places.

If you know how to refresh yourself, you can deal with your stress well!


18. Try to live a regular life

When you become a university student, there are days when classes start in the afternoon, depending on how the classes are organized.

Some people say that since online classes became commonplace, they have become a day and night reversal because they can take classes at home.

The new coronavirus has a great impact not only on our lives but also on our mental aspects.

Many people feel depressed, can’t sleep, can’t wake up in the morning, etc.

When your life becomes irregular, it can be difficult to maintain your mental health.

Because of the current situation, isn’t it necessary to keep one’s lifestyle as long as possible in order to survive the corona crisis?


19. watch a lot of movies

I think there are a lot of people who spent their time watching movies at home, especially during STAY HOME week.

I don’t think there are people who usually don’t watch movies, but they took this opportunity to watch a lot of them.

Due to the corona crisis, measures such as limiting the number of people in movie theaters are being taken, but the number of people watching movies in movie theaters is increasing little by little.

It is an era where you can easily watch movies not only at the movie theater but also at home.

A single movie can change you forever.

Why don’t you watch a lot of movies while you are a university student and try to find a masterpiece for yourself?


20. Try living alone

I think there are many university students who have already lived alone, but if you have never lived alone, you may want to experience it at least once while you are a university student.

When you live alone, you’ll be surprised at the amount of things you need to do to maintain your life.

When you fail in various things while living alone, it becomes experience and wisdom to live.

Having your own home is something special and exciting!

That said, there are also financial and COVID-19 issues.

If you have the chance, please try living alone.

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