
How to find remote work

How to find remote work

Even if you are familiar with the term remote work, there may be people who have doubts about what kind of work style it is, or who don’t know how to search for it.

This time, we will explain the advantages and disadvantages of remote work, and how to find specific ways to find it. Please refer to this if you are worried that your company has introduced remote work or are thinking of changing jobs to a company that allows remote work.


What is remote work?

Remote work refers to employees working remotely without coming into the office. Although it is often confused with working from home, remote working locations include your home, a cafe, a rental office, etc., and it has the characteristic that locations other than your home can also be potential work locations.

In addition, work styles are categorized according to the type of work, such as “full remote work,” which is a way of working that does not require you to come to the office at all, and “hybrid remote work,” which is a way of working that involves both coming to the office and working remotely.

Related article: Thorough explanation of remote work! Introducing the differences with telework and what to do when introducing it

Major remote work occupations and industries
There are many different types of jobs that can accommodate remote work. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism’s 2020 Telework Population Survey*¹ shows an increase in the rate of remote work implementation among occupations such as researchers, managers, and specialized/technical occupations.

By industry, the results were “information and communications industry (66.1%),” “academic research, professional/technical services industry (47.1%),” and “finance/insurance industry (34.9%).”

If you are thinking about changing jobs and want to include the possibility of remote work as a condition for your new job, consider industries with a high rate of remote work, such as the information and communications industry. Experience in the field or industry may be required, but you’re more likely to get a remote job.

*¹Source: Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism FY2020 Telework Population Survey

Advantages and disadvantages of remote work
Remote work has its advantages and disadvantages. Remote work may have the image of a high degree of freedom, but it can also be surprisingly difficult. First, understand whether remote work is right for you, then start looking for a job.

Advantages of remote work
Reduce commuting time
Eliminating commuting time not only reduces physical time, but also reduces the mental stress felt during rush hours.

Easier time for housework and childcare

You no longer have to travel, and you have more time to work from home and take care of housework and childcare, making it easier to manage your time.

Increased motivation

You can work in a place that is comfortable for you, create an environment that makes it easy for you to concentrate, and improve your motivation.

Disadvantages of remote work

The border between on and off disappears
The line between on and off days tends to become blurred, such as doing unfinished work outside of working hours, or not reporting attendance even if you actually work. You need to be conscious about drawing a line between your personal life and work.

Decreasing opportunities to receive education

There are fewer opportunities to meet face-to-face with people at the company, and there is a possibility that there will be fewer opportunities to share what you learned during on-the-job training sitting next to each other, and the corporate culture and values that you naturally deepened your understanding of day by day.

Anxiety about ability evaluation

Since we are not able to meet face-to-face on a daily basis, I am also concerned about whether my abilities will be fully appreciated. It is necessary to take measures to avoid misunderstandings, such as reporting regularly to your superiors.

Remote work has the following advantages and disadvantages. Some people may feel anxious and lonely about not being able to work together in the office. However, by being able to choose an environment that suits you, you can improve your ability to concentrate on your work and improve your work performance.

Remote work can be said to be a suitable work style for people who are aware of the balance between their private and work lives and can manage themselves.


Preparing for remote work

To start remote work, you first need to prepare the environment.

If a company has introduced remote work, the applications necessary to facilitate remote work such as PCs and chat tools, as well as mobile phones and smartphones, will be provided by the company in most cases, but internet connections and headsets You will need to provide your own microphone, printer, shredder, etc. You can work more comfortably if you have a desk and chair that make it easy to work for long periods of time.

Find remote work on Indeed

If you have a good understanding of remote work and want to start looking for a new remote work job, we will show you how to search on Indeed.

First, create a free Indeed account.

Enter the following keyword in “Keyword”.
“Remote”, “Work from home”, “Home”, “Telework”, “Full remote”
*If you want to search for a specific job type, there are two methods.
Enter the job title in the “Keyword” field, and enter “Home” in the “Work location” field.
Enter the keywords and job title related to remote work mentioned above in the “Keyword” field, and leave the “Work location” field blank.
You can also narrow down your search conditions. Search for your ideal job by entering the company name and employment type you are interested in.

Related article: How to search for remote work on Indeed


Remote work is a way of working that has benefits such as improved productivity and reduced commuting time. It is a good idea to look for a job after fully understanding the characteristics.

Since the spread of the new coronavirus infection, the implementation rate of remote work has increased at each company, but whether or not to recommend remote work even after the coronavirus outbreak depends on the company’s policy. There is a possibility that companies will reevaluate the way they work or streamline their operations, such as “I implemented remote work during the coronavirus pandemic, but my work will be disrupted” and “Let’s outsource work that can be done remotely at a low cost.” there is.

Actively learn about future company prospects through internet information and visits to former employees, and use this information to plan your career change.

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