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Four types of communication and points for improvement

importance of communication

Four types of communication and points for improvement

Communication skills are essential to a healthy and efficient workplace. Communication refers to the transmission of information from one person to another or a group, and is sometimes referred to as “soft skills” or “interpersonal skills.” There are many ways to communicate, and each one plays an important role in sharing information.

In this article, we will explain the different types of communication and give you tips on how to improve your skills.

importance of communication

We communicate every day in almost every environment, including the workplace. Communication is essential in many situations, from showing agreement with a simple nod to conveying information in front of a large group of people in a presentation, to building relationships, sharing ideas, allocating work, and managing teams. .

Learning and developing good communication skills can advance your career, set you apart from other candidates, and help you expand your network. Developing communication and interpersonal skills takes time and practice, but they are definitely skills that can be strengthened.

There are four types of communication that we use on a daily basis: verbal, nonverbal, written, and visual information. The effectiveness of these communications can be greatly increased by making full use of three skills such as listening, observation, and empathy. By developing these soft skills, you will be able to deeply understand the messages being sent and respond with compassion.

type of communication
There are several ways we can share information with each other. For example, you use oral communication when giving a presentation to a group. You will also use your writing skills when applying for jobs or sending emails. We will introduce the four types of communication in more detail below.

1. Oral communication

Oral communication is the use of words to convey information through speech or sign language. This is the most common type of communication and is often used in presentations, web conferences, phone calls, meetings, and one-on-one conversations. Verbal communication is very important in terms of efficiency. Verbal communication is even more effective when supplemented with non-verbal communication and writing.

Here are some steps to improve your oral communication skills.

Speak in a confident and assertive voice. Especially when communicating information to a small group or group, it is important to speak in a loud voice so that everyone can hear. Speaking with confidence allows you to convey your ideas clearly and clearly.
Listen to what the other person has to say. Another aspect of verbal communication is listening carefully to what the other person is saying. Listening skills are important in meetings, presentations, and even one-on-one conversations. By improving your listening skills, you can improve your communication skills.
Avoid interjections. Especially during a presentation, it’s tempting to use interjections like “um…” and “um…”. You may say these words unconsciously after finishing a sentence or when taking a breath to collect your thoughts, but it can distract the listener and make it difficult to concentrate. It will also be. Ask a trusted friend or colleague to listen to your presentation and check for interjections. If you feel like using an interjection, I recommend that you take a breath.

2. Nonverbal communication

Nonverbal communication, also known as “nonverbal communication,” refers to the use of body language such as gestures, gestures, and facial expressions to convey information to others. Some are intentional, while others are unconscious. For example, when you hear something fun or good information, you can’t help but smile. Nonverbal communication is helpful when trying to understand another person’s thoughts and feelings.

If the other person makes “closed” gestures, such as crossing their arms or hunching their shoulders, they may be feeling anxious, angry, or nervous. Conversely, if you have an “open” gesture, such as placing your feet on the floor or placing your arms at your sides, you may be positive and receptive to information.

Here are some steps to improve your nonverbal communication skills.

Recognize how your mind affects your body. As you experience various emotions throughout the day, such as feeling energized, bored, happy, or irritated, you will become aware of how the movements of your mind affect your body. For example, when you’re feeling anxious, you might feel like your stomach tightens. By becoming aware of how your mind affects your body, you will be able to have more control over how you see yourself.
Be aware of nonverbal communication. When you are alert to your surroundings and are in a positive mood, try using nonverbal communication. You can also reinforce your verbal communication with a frown if you feel confused or concerned about the information being given. Try to use a combination of verbal and nonverbal communication, such as asking follow-up questions or inviting the presenter to step aside for a one-on-one conversation.
Try to imitate communication that you think is effective. If you see effective facial expressions and gestures in a certain situation, you can use them as a reference to improve your own nonverbal communication. For example, if you see someone successfully conveying agreement or positive emotions by nodding, you can emulate this when conveying the same emotion in future meetings.

3. Written communication

Written communication refers to conveying information in letters and numbers through methods such as handwriting, inputting on a computer, or printing. The advantage of written communication is that you can record and refer to information. Writing is used to share information through books, pamphlets, blogs, letters, memos, and many other things. Email and chat are typical forms of written communication in the workplace.

Here are some steps to improve your written communication skills.

Write concisely. Written communication should be as concise and clear as possible. Although it may be necessary to provide detailed information when writing instructions, you should do so as much as possible to make it clearer so that the reader can easily understand it.
Don’t try to express yourself in a particular tone. In written communication, you can’t convey nuance verbally or non-verbally, so it’s best to avoid expressing a certain tone in your writing. For example, if you’re trying to convey a joke, sarcasm, or high-mindedness, the reader may perceive it differently. When writing, try to be as concise and simple as possible, and also use verbal communication to express your individuality.
Refine your own writing. By taking enough time to re-read emails, letters, and memos, you can notice mistakes or phrase them differently. It may be a good idea to have a trusted colleague check important communications or items sent to a large number of people.
Make notes of effective sentences and words you like. If you find something particularly useful or interesting in a brochure, email, or memo, save it for future reference. Adopting a writing style and style that you like will improve your communication skills over the long term.

4. Visual communication

Visual communication is the use of photographs, art, drawings, sketches, tables, graphs, etc. to convey information. Visual information is often used during presentations as a complement to written and verbal communication to explain the situation. Different people have different ways of understanding ideas and information, so using visual communication may be more effective.

Here are some steps to improve your visual communication skills.

Seek the opinions of others before using visual information. When using visual complements in presentations and emails, it’s a good idea to consider other people’s opinions. Incorporating visual information can also lead to confusion or obscurity. Hearing third-party opinions can help you objectively determine whether adding visual information will help you convey your message more effectively.
Think from the perspective of the viewer. Visual information must be easy to understand. For example, if you insert a table with unfamiliar data, take the time to explain what the table means and how it relates to what you’re talking about. Visual information that is sensitive, offensive, violent, or graphic should never be used.
To improve your communication skills, set goals for yourself and take steps to accomplish what you want to achieve. It’s also a good idea to talk to a trusted colleague, boss, or mentor to discuss which areas to focus on first.

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